[ You may wish to purchase a paper making kit to get started]
1.Cut or
purchase mesh screen in desired size
( I recommend 5 x 7)You will need 2
2. If desired use wood trim or frame and staple mesh to frame
3. Fill blender with 1-2
cups of water
4. Put stopper in sink
5. Fill sink or tub
with water only about 3 inches
Add 1 overflowing handful of shredded paper to blender
7. Push down so water rises above it
** Add scent, coloring, potpourri(dried flowers), or glitter
8. Cover blender and blend on pulse or high speed
Blend until paper is like pulp ( it needs to be thick enough so as not to run easily
through fingers.
10. Pour or scoop pulp into mesh frame
11. Shake to settle pulp / use
fingers to spread into corners
Place screen with pulp in sink ( only to where the pulp just floats in frame)
13. Flatten / spread into corners
14. Lift slowly out of water ( so as not to disturb or shift
** At this point you may want to add a few extra drops of scent
15. Place a piece of construction
paper on top of pulp
16. Holding that in place flip frame over and
lay on a kitchen towel
With your finger firmly press screen around edges of frame ( this releases
the paper)
If it does not come out in one piece repeat steps 11-17
remove screen
place another piece of construction paper on top
with rolling pin squeeze out excess water
repeat with dry pieces of construction paper
let air dry or iron with piece of construction paper between paper and iron.
When dry USE