Paint with water (add only a few drops of food coloring for a tempory tint)
** (With diluted paint in squirt bottles)
ask what color is the rain? Squirt the diluted paint on a sheet to find out.
Boat races
in a wade pool (most states may require you not to have standing water-- check licenses) {use a 2 liter bottles with a balloon
as a propeller}
Giant bubbles--
use strawberry baskets for a lot or even a bat mitten racket
cream (let your imagination run wild)
Mud factory
(Making mud)
Sand castles
(use slightly damp sand)
Worm search
(either after a heavy rain or flood a garden)
Play beach
Cloud watching
(it looked like spilt milk)
Paint the
grass / tree (use shaving cream paint or normal paint on long grass)
(when done just mow the lawn)
Nature walk
Nature collage
(clear contact paper just place sticky side up/ works best on windy days) see what you catch!
Look for
birds nest (leave items out for the birds to use)
going on a bug hunt ( study the bugs and then release them)
Fence weaving
(crepe paper weaved in and out of fence)