Parents love when
their children bring home homemade gifts for special days I think it is almost an unspoken rule.
*You may want to ask for donations for
this project
- Plain clear glass plates (can be found at dollar stores or thrift stores)
* If you are uncomfortable with glass clear
plastic plates can be used
- White paper
- Permanent markers
- Mod podge (clear drying glue will work too)
Color and cut out designs
Arrange on back of plate
Glue in place
Smooth out (removing any air bubbles)
Paint entire plate with glue or mod podge
Let dry
* Not dishwasher or microwavable
*Send a note home with above warning
*And to make design long lasting they can
use clear acrylic or sealant
* it is important not to place design or
glue on inside if plate is intended for food
Use clear containers
Use clear cups or glasses
Paper plate
Let children design their own plate
Laminate 3x