- Boxes of various sizes (body)
- Wrapping Paper tubes (arms, legs)
- Oatmeal container ( arms, legs) punch a small hole in bottom and tape edges
of hole(so it will not get larger)
- Paper towel tubes (neck)
- Plastic milk gallon (head)
- Yarn (hair)
- Twine
- Duct tape
Body 1
Take 4- 8 paper tubes and bundle together
Use duct tape to hold together
Body 2
Use a box or two ( open both ends and round out or a one or 2 one on top of the other)
Secure together with duct tape
Arms and legs 1
4 oatmeal containers (with a hole punched in bottom)
Connect using twine (for mobility)
Arms and legs 2
2 wrapping paper tubes (end to end)
4 paper towel tubes (end to end)
Punch holes on both ends
Thread twine through holes so it is doubled
Tie twine at one end
Put through tube
Thread through holes on second tube and repeat
tie a knot at each hole
use duct tape to attach tubes to each other
4 paper towel tubes bundled together
Attach to body
Cut holes in box for arms and legs
Attach arms and legs to body with duct tape
If using tubes for body just attach with duct tape by wrapping around one or more tubes
Attach an upside down milk gallon to neck (you can use the handle for the nose)
Attach head and neck to body in same manner as arms and legs