
Nuts and Bolts

Sensory Explorations
Science Activities
Hints & Tips
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About Brighteyes Learning



Believe it or not children find these activities fun.


--Various sized

--Nuts, bolts, screws, wing nuts, And washers


Start by having the nuts and bolts, etc.. already together

Allow the children to unscrew and screw while still on the bolts

With the nuts and bolts separated

Allow the children to try to find the right nut to screw onto bolts


*Hint if you have very small nuts and bolts children will use more of a pincer grip

The larger the nuts and bolts the easier it is to handle for smaller hands. Moving up from large to small as the children master the small motor movements.



Provide color coded nuts and bolts

Have the bolts screwed into wood


*Hint if the hole is well worn or just a bit bigger it makes screwing the bolt in and out a bit easier.


How many bolts can you place on the nuts?

Washer stacking (use bolts in wood to stack washers

          Paint washers and bolts different colors for matching


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Copyright (c) 2005

The purpose of Brighteyes Learning is to be a resource for early childhood educators and parents. You are welcomed to use any materials found on the Brighteyes Learning sites. It is recommended that you read an activity completely and try it at least once before using in your classroom. Some activities may not be suitable for some people. These activities are to be used at your own discretion. Brighteyes Learning gives no guarantees. As always, it is the process not the product that counts! Brighteyes Learning is willing to adapt any activity for special needs, just email brighteyeslearning2@yahoo.com to request the adaptation.

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"Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.com"
