A whole lotta dough
This recipe makes enough for
a 2qt container.
- 5 c Flour
- Entire package of Salt (26 oz)
- 5 c Water
- 10 tsp. Cream of Tartar
- 5 tsp. Salad Oil
- Food Coloring the more you use the darker the color
** use the following amounts for:
- Jell-O 1pkg.
- coco ( see variations below)
- vanilla 1tblsp.
- kool aid 1pkg,
- extracts 1 tblsp ( the more you use the stronger the scent)
-- Add food coloring etc, to water
-- Mix all ingredients
-- Cook over medium low heat. Stirring
-- It will pull from sides of pot
-- Knead—if sticky add flour slowly
until not sticky
-- Store in a plastic container.
-- Chocolate play dough—replace 1 to 1½ c of flour with coco and add 1 to 2 tsp. vanilla
** This one you have to watch out for they tend to want to eat it.(The vanilla gives it a true chocolate smell.)
** One of our kids asked for bubble gum smelling dough, which is a hard scent to come by.
My solution was to use cheap bubble gum toothpaste (found @ a dollar store) mixed in after pink dough or purple (grape)
was made.
I had to use extra flour when kneading to get rid of the stickiness.
It worked and the bubble gum smell lasted a long time!
-- Another source for scents are candy making supply stores or try potpourri oils.
-- Add coloring and scents to water before mixing. You will get a more uniform color.
-- Use an old pot
-- If dough scorches just peel those bits out